New Program Offers Up To $15,000 in Grants for First-time Buyers

Homebuyer Dream Program logo overlaying a blurred and faded image of a suburban neighborhood.

Homebuyer Dream 2019

As a bank, GRB is able to work with the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York (FHLBNY) to provide grant assistance to qualified first-time homebuyers. The Homebuyer Dream ProgramTM (HDP)* provides grants of up to $15,000 towards the purchase of a home in New York.  This is a program that is only available to banks, mortgage brokers are not able to access grant funds for this program.

Homebuyer Dream Program Logo

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be first-time homebuyers (have not owned a home individually or with a spouse in the last three years)
  • Reside and purchase a home in New York
  • Have a household income at or below 80% of area median income (i.e., in Monroe County up to $62,240 for 1- and 2-person households, up to $71,576 for 3+ person household as of August 2018)
  • Complete an accredited homeownership course
  • Meet the income and credit requirements for the program
  • Have the minimum equity contribution of $1,000 toward purchase of the home
  • Remain in the home for five years or repay a portion of the grant funds back to FHLBNY

Important Information

  • Up to $14,500 in grant funding is available to be applied to down payment and closing costs
  • Up to $500 in grant funding is available to offset the cost of the homeownership course

Find Out if You Qualify

For more information, contact our mortgage professionals.

Please note, the information in this post refers to the 2019 HDP. The Federal Home Loan Bank of New York assesses the HDP on an annual basis and the program is subject to change. Please go to our Mortgage Loans page for more information on the HDP and other grant and lending options.

* Homebuyer Dream Program is a trademark of the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York.

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