Fully FDIC-Insured Deposits
GRB provides a wide range of financial services designed to help organizations manage their funds while remaining fully insured by the FDIC.
The Promontory Network
GRB is part of the Promontory Network, a financial services platform operated by IntraFi. Through IntraFi’s network of thousands of financial institutions, GRB offers innovative solutions to help businesses, municipalities, not-for-profits, and school districts access multi-million dollar FDIC insurance on funds placed into money market deposit accounts using the ICS® (Insured Cash Sweep) or CDs using CDARS® (CD Account Registry Service).
Using the Promontory Networks delivers significant benefits, including:
- Peace of mind. Your funds are placed in member banks by the FDIC and backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.
- Earn interest. Put excess cash balances to work in a deposit account that earns interest.
- Save time. While your funds will be placed through many banks, you only work directly with GRB. You will receive one easy-to-read statement summarizing all your holdings.
- Support our community. Deposits that stay at GRB are loaned back to the community, driving the business growth that helps our local economy.
Use the links below to learn more about the Promontory Network and it’s function with our products:
How The ICS Network Works for You
Funds are placed into CDs or Money Market accounts at other banks in the network – in increments less than the FDIC insurance maximum – so that both principal and interest are eligible for FDIC protection.

One Bank. One Rate. One Statement.
While your CDARS or ICS deposits will be placed through many banks, you only have to work directly with one bank, GRB. As always, confidential account information remains protected. You will negotiate one rate with GRB for each CD maturity and enjoy the option of reinvesting funds through a simple process. You will receive one easy-to-read statement from GRB summarizing all of your CD and/or Money Market holdings.
There is also no need to manually consolidate account statements or internal disbursements. The benefits of one bank, one rate, and one statement can reduce your administrative burden (especially during tax and financial reporting seasons), providing you with more time to focus on profit-generating activities.
As always, your confidential account information remains protected.
Need More Information?
Use the dropdown below to fill out our ‘Contact Us’ form, and a GRB Cash Management Team Member will be in touch with additional information!
Placement of your funds through the ICS service is subject to terms, conditions, and disclosures set forth in the agreements you enter into with us, including the ICS Deposit Placement Agreement. Limits and customer placement eligibility criteria apply. Program withdrawals are limited to six per month.
Limits apply. Funds may be submitted for placement only after a depositor enters into a CDARS Deposit Placement Agreement with us. The agreement contains important information and conditions regarding the placement of funds by us. CDARS is a registered service mark, and One Bank, One Rate, One Statement is a service mark of Promontory Interfinancial Network, LLC.