GRB is proud to support many local organizations through donations, event sponsorships, and volunteering.
Why Bank Local
Banking with a community bank matters. In addition to superior service, community banks like GRB help fuel the local economy. We make our deposits available to help businesses and families right here in Western and Central New York grow and prosper.
GRB provides deposit and lending services to your favorite local restaurants and entertainment spots where you meet up with friends and family. We help dentists, doctors, and veterinarians purchase equipment to enhance patient care. We help small businesses grow and expand, providing dynamic job opportunities that draw talented people to our region. We also give back here at home, supporting the efforts that really matter to our community.
Use the link below to learn more about the importance of banking local:
At GRB, we’re proud to be a community bank and proud to offer our business, personal and mortgage customers:
You are more than an account number at GRB. We get to know you and can help you as your financial needs change. -
We know this community and support its entrepreneurial spirit. We know the housing market and what it takes to help our customers put down roots. -
Community banks often receive better rates on key services and pass along the savings to our customers. -
GRB's online banking services provide 24/7 access to your finances. But when you need a real person to talk to, we're easy to reach by phone or in person.
Is Who We Are
GRB employees live and work right here in Central and Western New York. We focus our efforts on supporting a range of not-for-profit organizations engaged in financial literacy, health care, at-risk populations, the arts, and more.
Our executive team members lead the way in community involvement and charitable contributions, and truly set the tone for GRB. This sense of community spirit is built into our internal culture.
The bank’s employee-run Charitable and Volunteer Committee coordinates opportunities to serve the community through volunteer work and fundraising opportunities throughout the year.
See How GRB Employees
Support the Community
GRB employees are encouraged to serve on boards and committees of groups for which they are passionate. This community engagement was one of the factors that led to our designation as both a Society for Human Resource Management “Best Places to Work in New York State” and a Democrat & Chronicle “Top Workplace.”
In addition to GRB’s perennial presence at the United Way Day of Caring, additional company-supported initiatives and events include:
- Canned food drive
- Thanksgiving baskets
- Pajama drive
- Holiday adopt-a-family
- Fundraising walks
- Landscaping clean up
- Financial literacy education
- Fraud awareness presentations
Leading The Way
GRB’s executive team and employees provide their experience and knowledge to professional organizations. GRB employees and executives serve as leaders and members of organizations including the Mortgage Bankers Association, New York Bankers Association, ReImagine ROC Housing, and Independent Bankers Association of New York State.
GRB’s involvement with these organizations helps provide valuable community advocacy for housing, financial literacy, community reinvestment, and economic growth.

Engage with GRB
If you are interested in having a GRB team member come speak to your organization on one of the following topics, please contact us using the form below:
First-Time Homebuyer
Grants & Discounts - Personal Fraud Prevention
- Personal Budgeting & Financial Literacy
Financing & Investing
In Residential Real Estate - Business Fraud Prevention
- SBA Lending